Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Various Classroom 16! Fun Photos!




Having a good time, being together, learning together! Fun ways to experience ideas.


The Caveman approaches his fellow cave-dwellers to explain an idea he has.



He knows he's onto something with his new invention!


But he pushes it over on its side. It doesn't do much of anything.


He's frustrated that there doesn't seem to be anything remarkable about this "round thing" he's come up with; it just falls over flat.


His fellow cavemen respond in the only way they know how to show their disapproval: bonking him with their clubs.


While they nap, he stays-up thinking.


There is something about this thing, he's convinced.


He tries rolling it on its edge! Yes!


He wakes his fellow cave-dwellers who aren't too happy about being woken-up by this guy with the crazy ideas. He Grunts trying to stave-off another beating. He wants to show them!


It works! They are amazed! They get it....this thing might have some useful purpose afterall! ..And so, the Wheel is invented!


Mr. Stathis and Jermoe made plan early on Halloween morning to play a gag on the class! Before students are brought in the classroom in the morning, Jerome comes in early and hides on the shelf behind the whiteboard. As the students start their routine in the morning, Jerome starts to make errie noices, bewildering students, scaring some as to where these ghostly sounds are coming from! The whiteboard is slid back, and Jerome shouts "Boo!"


A great gag to remember!


Students applaude!


Halloween dress-up allowed!


Mr. Stathis sketched a graphic of an idea. Kesi explains his understanding of it to the class.



Medical students from Toro University run a programm for 4th and 5th Graders, inspiring students with the fun of medical knowledge! Hudson is very intrigued.


Lenin and Adrian listen to a heartbeat.


Jade and others listen as the Medical student explains: "Bones like these are in your body."


Students are challenged to show they understand how different kinds of joints work in all our bodies.


Misael learns where the different main organs in the body are.


Daniela wrote her Thursday night homework story in Spanish. She said she was too shy to read it, so Mr. Stathis says he will attempt to read it aloud. Students, especially the bilingual students enjoy hearing Mr. Stathis's attempts at pronunciation. Mr. Stathis isn't too bad at it, and it becomes a good lesson for everyone, cooperatively helping in pronunciation and explaining the translation.